Sunday, 25 July 2010

Notes on the artist's reality.

Kind of picking up where I left off last year. I'd got a copy of Mark Rothko's The Artists Reality, and done my usual close reading technique of rewriting most of the book onto sheets of scrap paper folded into quarters. Which G. thinks is mad. Possibly I should just write all over the book itself when I'm studying. But I rarely can actually take a pencil into a book. I just can't.

I was lassoed by this book's title. I've been interested in the relationship of the drawing as a representation, to the experience of the subject through the senses as another representation. My expectations were a little too specific for this text, and as Christopher Rothko points out in the introduction, this is not a finished polished text. It has been published postumously, with minimal editing, from a draft manuscript that Rothko might or might not have finished himself and attempted to publish. He had certainly stuck it in a drawer for twenty years without doing so. I'm not sure we can know precisely how this manuscript functioned for its writer. It was written early on in Rothko's career, before his development of the abstract squares which are so strongly associated with him. It was written when he had spleen to vent; artistically frustrated, and in an unhappy marriage with a more successful designer.

I found it to be romantic in its perception of other artistic ages, and bitter in its description of applied, common, or popular art. I had hoped for discussion about abstraction and its edges, although with hindsight, this was not the text to look for it in. I wonder if there are edges. If all representation isn't in some way an abstraction from what it is possible to experience.

Friday, 9 July 2010


It was June. June is about the Jerwood Drawing Prize submission. In some ways, all my drawing endeavour centres itself around this point. Every year, every June now is about the Jerwood. The first time I submitted something was in 2004, the year I graduated. I put in a life drawing, and was rejected. I didn't submit again until 2007, when my little drawing called Trio made it to the finals. Every year since, but no more finals.

It had been a crazy eight months, November to May this time, so I'm pleasantly surprised I had anything to submit to the Jerwood this year. Neither made it to the finals. They're still two of the drawings I've been most happy with recently. Hey ho.

The drawing at the top is an extension of some of my recent collage work, with collage worked on top of collage. I went out especially to buy the shade of yellow ink for the hat. It seemed to me there were many different narratives that could be placed upon that hat in this image.

I had been stuck in a corner near the end of an All the Young Nudes night, so some of the other drawers got into the second drawing. Again I was toying with exclusion in this one. And the blanket was magenta pink, not red like it is here.