Monday, 1 November 2010
Clownery at Ollaberry.

Sunday, 10 October 2010
little tower block pin
I was making balsa wood frames for the backs of the clown collages, to make them nice and sturdy and stable and hangable. And I was ending up with random little off-cuts, not much use for anything, but a shame to throw away. I'd been thinking of making badges for ages, and I started whiting up the off-cuts with ink and drawing words and stuff on them. Rather fun to make, and wear. Indeed, I did wear this one for a few days, just to road test it. I thought I'd stick this one on etsy for a couple of months and see what happened. If no-one buys it, I'll just wear it myself again.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Five of my clown collages, NOW showing, live, in Ollaberry!
Please feel free to go see, if you're in the area:-
Ollaberry Interior Design Studio,
146 Busby Road
G76 8BH
Exciting times!
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Wear the Mask


ibis, originally uploaded by Donna Nicholson-Arnott.
I love the ibis shaped egyptian ibis casket in the Burrell Collection. It has such balance and poise.
I've drawn it a few times now, but this is the first one with colour.
In fact, I don't tend towards colour much at all, and this is a bit of a deviation for me. A lot of the time I can 'see' the colours in a drawing without having to manually add them. If that makes any sense. However, this one really needed a gold body to work, and once I'd painted that in, the bronze head, tail, and legs just screamed out for some variants of Marine Blue. I drew other stuff at the Burrell Collection that day, but I like this one best, it just pops.
One continuous 0.35 rotring line. FW inks to fill.
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
football on her shoulder
Spent a lovely day setting up interestingly placed drawing shots. The etsy success emails advise getting the best photographs you can of your stuff, so I've really tried. Time will tell if this helps sales...
Thursday, 12 August 2010
more life drawing
I usually draw on A5, but on tuesday I decided to branch out and draw on nothing smaller than A3. Most sheets were A2. It felt smashing, big sweeping curves, and room for detail on fingers and toes.
If I carry on like this though, it will play merry hell with my storage solutions. I need to cut out the dead wood...
Sunday, 8 August 2010
Working on balsa.
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Coffee and Water T-Shirt

Sunday, 25 July 2010
Notes on the artist's reality.
Friday, 9 July 2010

Monday, 14 June 2010
I'm thinking of making this blog about drawing, and things connected to drawing. It's very much under construction at the moment, and I'm newish to blogging. I'm on flickr.
I've been making some life drawing recently at the Flying Duck's club night All the Young Nudes. It's been great to pop along for two hours, drink some peppermint tea, and draw.
This drawing is one of two that were included in an All the Young Nudes group exhibition, as part of the Space Made Live event hosted by Small Media Large, The Arthouse, 752-6 Argyle Street, Glasgow, on the 12th and 13th June 2010.