Wednesday, 16 March 2011

It's not that I don't like giclee...

(I never intended to start a drawing team on etsy. I went looking for a drawing team to join on etsy. I couldn't find one.
And so,

was born, and I'm now captain of an etsy team about drawing. Here is my first rant, it is about giclee, which I actually like very much indeed.)

" Of course I like giclee, and yes it absolutely has a place in broadening the price bracket of a piece of art; you have the original for sale at 100%, you have a giclee for 25%, and some notelets or postcards for 5%. For example. So, your customer can be anyone, not just the ones with more disposable income.
And then, you might have already sold the original, so all anyone else can have is a reproduction, and giclee is a darn fine reproduction. I'm just a bit tired of looking at some of the etsy shops full of prints, and as a buyer, if I have a spare £40 one month, I'd rather blow the lot on one small original from a favourite shop. As a seller, I want to be one in a brave set of sellers, who have he guts to part with the originals, because (in my humble op) that's really what being a practising artist is about. Surely nobody wants only a collection of digital prints? I'll get off the soapbox now. Thanks for reading. :) "